Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dewey - The Small-town library cat who touched the world

And once again I'm here to talk about a book. This time Dewey, this lovely book that I bought after I saw the beatiful face of this cat. I love cats and I thought it would be a nice book.
And from the book that I didn't expected much I had a marvelous surprise! It end up being such a wonderful book! The story about this little cat that is put in this library is really touching. Vicky, the author and the woman that was there with him thru his whole life is my newest admirer. She's strong. And had so many things going one in her life.
I won't tell more about the book as I think you should read it like I did. Without knowing anything. And then you'll see why the book says the Small-town library cat who touched the world.

"Vicky and Dewey"

If you wanna know more about Dewey visit the web site of Spencer Library.


Unknown said...

Eu nunca ouvi falar do livro. Eu entendi o seu post perfeitamente, mas estou com uma preguiça danada de responder em inglês.
Realmente o gato tem um rostinho adorável.
Abs e espero uma visitinha sua no meu blog. =)

Leo said...

Obrigado pelo comentario :)

Eu também nunca tinha ouvido falar.. mas dei uma chance e foi maravilhoso. Se puder leia!

Sim sim ja vou visitar o seu blog!

Beijos :)