He kissed me so much that took my breath away. We stood there, with the car parked in the middle of the 5th avenue, kissing. Were like those moments in those romantic films where everything stops. It's just you and the other person. In this case, Josh and I.
"Well I guess I'll have to change my plans.. We need to go to a better place, don't you think?" Josh asked with his crooked smile.
"That's up to you... I would be ok just stay here with you." I said kissing him.
"Well we can do this later. In your house... Let's go to this place close to the sea, has been a while since my last visit there, but I think still lovely as it usually." He said confidence.
This moment was playing Get Here by Brenda Russell. I could fell like in the song. I don't care how you get here. Just get here if you can. I need Josh like in the song. He was now officially part of my life.
It didn't took so long to we get in the sea. Before you enter there you pass trought this lots of trees and then drive a long path in the sand. After a five minutes you can see the sea and the little restaurants and lots of chairs and tables across the place.
The rain has stoped but was really cold. The wild was quite wild and there wasn't lots of people there. As the weather here is crazy some people don't mind to visit the beach with wind and rain. I'm part of this group of people.
The beach has this thing that I can't explain. Just that makes me very happy. See the waves crash, and feel the breeze. Is really something that makes me fell good.
And now I had Josh. That looks like is a beach lover like me.
He parked the car close to the end of the "street" of restaurants. Close to this tiny restaurant called Wings of Tomorrow, quite strange to name a restaurant with this kind of name.
"Hey little Josh! I can't believe you deciced to come visit us!." Said a old man, about 60 years, with white hair, darked skin, and very short.
"Hey Joe! Do you think I would forget you?." Josh said laughing.
"Of course not, little Josh. I was just joking!" Joe said. "You've grown little Josh. Now isn't funny call you little Josh." He said with a huge laugh.
"You can always call me little Josh Joe. Yeah... I've grown. Sorry. I haven't been around lately. It's my fault. But I think this problem is solved now." Josh said.
"And who's this lovely boy." Joe apointed to me.
"My God! Sorry Joe, this is Dan. My boyfriend." Josh said happy.
"Hi!" I said really shy.
"Hi!" He waved to me. "What's your name boy?."
"Daniel." I said. Coming closer to him.
"Well Daniel, I'm Joe, and just to you know, you're dating a wonderful boy. I known Josh since he was a little kid. And boy I got tell you. He is really great! I'm really happy for him that he finally found someone." He said with tears in his eyes.
I was confuse now. This Joe must be something more then just a friend to him. I mean, we've been boyfriend about a thirty minutes and he was the first person to know, and then he tells me that he knows Josh since he was a little kid. And is happy for us. This is something hard to see.
"Thanks Joe. And I'm more then happy with Josh, he's now my life." I said happy looking to Josh.
"Good to know son." Joe said smiling. "Well let's come inside. Soon the wind will get pretty bad." He said asking us to enter the restaurant. Was really cozy inside, had 6 tables and lots of pictures of old people in the wall. Was really beatiful. Had a brazillian song playing. If I was right the song was Águas de Março.
The light there was really cozy too. You could chill out there.
Josh and I sit in the table with the view to the sea. He put his hand in mine. And with his crooked smile said : "I love you my love."
©Leonardo Martins
HotKid – Rip It Into Pieces (single) [vídeo, download: mp3]
Inicialmente uma dupla, agora um trio, a banda canadense HotKid costuma
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influência da...
3 days ago
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