I was amazed! It was so beatiful, the few I could see was perfect. The lighthouse seemed to have a hundred years. It was white with some details with blue and red. This was all I could see. I stared it a few more until Josh started to talk.
"So what you think?" He said hopeful.
"I'll be honest with you...Is absolutely beautiful!" I said looking to his crooked smile. "How do you know this place?" I asked curious.
"My father bought it a few years, the owner needed some money so he sold it out. My father told it was a gift to my mum but is hard to believe. I think he actually bought for him."
"Well, he sometimes says he need peace so I think he come here, but let's not talk about my father" He said laughing.
"All right"
He opened the door and took the bags inside the lighthouse and I followed him.
When you first look you just see a very mess. There was a sofa with some books above. Some chairs and clothes all over the place. And in the coner you see a little door and there the stairs to the "master room" like Josh says.
The stairs isn't too long but you came there very tired and sweaty.
After we came there I thought that they've left that room a mess on purpose. Believe me. If you walk in to stole something you ran way. Unlike the master room. The room was quite big, had a bed, very large. A TV, a dvd player, a radio, a laptop, a fridge, a range, and a table.All spread all over the place. And in the middle the lamp.
Josh said that he never saw this lighthouse working. "Too bad" He said.
We put the bags close to the table and we sat in the bed.
"So, you really liked here?" Josh said smiling.
"Of course!" I said.
"Well, I'm hungry. Do you wanna eat something?"
"Yeah. I brought snacks" I said. I got up and opened the bag and caught the snacks.
While I was there se started "So Dan... Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Nope" I said.
"Neither do I" He said.
We stood in silence for a minute and than he continued.
"I want to ask you something, but I want you to promise me that whenever the answer is, that you'll still my friend."
"Yeah" I said.
"So... I really like you" He said. He stopped and then continued "In a way... you know. More than just friends. When I saw you for the first time I knew that you were the one" He said looking at me concerned.
I get close to him and started looking him.His eyes were showing he was worried with what I was going to do I thought. Then I put my arms around him and said "Me too" then we kissed .
©Leonardo Martins
HotKid – Rip It Into Pieces (single) [vídeo, download: mp3]
Inicialmente uma dupla, agora um trio, a banda canadense HotKid costuma
centrar suas composições ao redor das cordas de guitarras – muito por
influência da...
3 days ago
1 comment:
TEm um presentinho pra vc em meu blog!
espero que goste
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