I woke up and looked around and Josh wasn't there. I walked into the window and looked the sea, was raining and really cold. I went back to the bed with the laptop. I checked my e-mail but there was nothing there. I was starting felling odd there all by myself. I grab my cellphone to call my mum but there was no signal there. I turn on the TV and started watching SpongeBob Squarepants.
"Hey!" I heard someone yelling.
"Hum?" I said sleeper.
"I think you had enough time to sleep, don't you think?" The voice said that I started recognized. Was Josh.
"I felt sleep again as I woke up and there was no one here..."
"There's my fault, but it's for a good cause, see, I went to the market back town and bought us some real food." He said smiling.
"Thank you" I said smiling.
"But there's one condition" He said with sarcasm.
"Really? What?" I said smiling.
"You'll have to kiss me"
"Hum... I really have to? This is sooo horrible" - I said while I was walking to him.
"Don't say... I may have to try with a mirror" He said laughing.
"You can try on me.." And I kissed him.
"So, what you wanna show me that is only early morning" I asked him.
"Hey! No way. I'll not tell you. It's a surprise and I see you have a little problem with time." He said laughin.
"Hey! I can wake up early. You'll see" I said looking at him.
"All right!"
"So... I think I'll sleep as you want me to wake up so early"
"No way" He said and embraced me. "I thought we were going watch one film" He said looking in my eyes with his mercy face.
"I don't know,... What film?"
"A walk to remember?"
"Really? It's kind sad."
"Yeah. It is but is beatiful" He said and stopped for a minute and then continued "I don't know I just thought that it could be our film, or at least the first of our films, you know, with a great love story behind." He look so cute when he try to convince me of something.
"Ok, but I'll let you know... I cry all the time"
"Don't worry. Me too" And he kissed me rapidly.
©Leonardo Martins
HotKid – Rip It Into Pieces (single) [vídeo, download: mp3]
Inicialmente uma dupla, agora um trio, a banda canadense HotKid costuma
centrar suas composições ao redor das cordas de guitarras – muito por
influência da...
3 days ago
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