Thursday, March 26, 2009


Given to me from Alex, this award have 3 rules :

1-Show the award;
2-Show the blog who gave you the award;
3-Chose 5 blogs to give the award.

My chosen ones are :

The Brit's virtual house
Napple Notes
Os Filmes que passam na minha Cabeça!
The one with the quotes
Nightwatcher and famekeeper


Marton Olympio said...

Vim aqui buscar meu selo :)
Belo Blog vc esta fazendo.
A vida secreta das abelhas é um filme lindo.

Tanks a lot Dude!

® ♫ The Brit ♪ ® said...

Thanks so much Leo!!
I have collected my award now and am already proudly displaying it on my Blog!
Valeu Irmao!! :D

Leo said...

Hi Donnie!!!

I'm glad you liked it!

Abração Irmao! :)