I think that almost everyone read Marley & Me, especially now that after the film.
I bought the book when it was released here, I can't remember when as my memory didn't help me much, but John really can make you live all what he and his family went throught. It's really a life lesson.
Marley is the perfect image of what our pets do for us. They can be dumbs or angry, or just a lazy. but they're always ready to make you feel better, and if you're sad, they're there to say to you "Hey, don't be sad! Everything will work out!" They know what is the best for us, and never let anything bad happens to us. They are our little (or big!) angels that keep us safe.
So go make your angel feel loved! Go play with him or just lay with him. I'm sure they'll be so happy!
And if you haven't read Marley & Me, try to read, now if you don't like reading, watch the film!
Hi Leo,
I loved the book and I loved the film!!
And I agree; there is nothing like our dogs who give unconditional love every time they see us!
I couldn't see myself without my little babies that are always ready to give me a kiss on my face and ears... even if they have only just eaten a big stinking pile of their own poo!! which Lucy loves to do when I'm not paying attention!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha
Abração Irmão!
P.S: And I know that you're laughing so much at my last comment! haha :D
Hi Donnie!!! :D
hahahah I'm laughing here!
Yeah, our little angels are our everything! They take care of us and make us smile!
Abração Irmao! :D
PS: Pedro doesn't eat his own poo but he's eaten so much strange stuffs that I think is a bless he still be alive hahahaha.
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