I never thought that a simple thing will turn my life completly upside down! With the operation of my mom I started making a lot of things that I barely do as laundry. And I have to take care of her too.Not that I don't wanna! But my life change completly! And my fibromyalgia is back and is hurting like hell! And also school is a heck! So I wonder when I'll have a vacation with my mom? Because this days were a terrible nightmare! Just now when I was writing, the pet shop car arrived with my dogs from their weekly bath, and Pedro was with a terrible hair loss, so we asked to cut hir long "hair" hahaha, and when I see the vet with a completly different dog I almost said "you changed the dogs." Thank God I didn't because it was Pedro. They shaved him completly!!! But he is quite charmy now hahaha. I without think twice took a picture of him! So here is the new Pedro hahaha!
Thank God we have Friends in this world that make us go on! This past weeks I had a huge help from my dear friend Donnie. He was so kind. As I say he is my big brother that take care of me. So I only can say in this life you're nothing without a friend! They always help you when you're sad and brokenhearted. Never let you go. And share with you all the best moments of you're life! So here a little gift from my dear friend Donnie!
HotKid – Rip It Into Pieces (single) [vídeo, download: mp3]
Inicialmente uma dupla, agora um trio, a banda canadense HotKid costuma
centrar suas composições ao redor das cordas de guitarras – muito por
influência da...
3 days ago
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