Us 2 little gods was playing while I was driving to the mall. Ok I really liked the juice, but the blue eyes boy was making me go crazy.
I parked the car where were closer and walk in to the mall.
There he was. He looked just like yesterday.
"Hey!" He said "I told you I would see you soon!"
Looking for this side he was right I think.
"Yeah... I loved the juice" I said.
"Thank you!" Again he did that. That voice... calm. I stood there like an idiot looking at him.
"So... you'll have the same ?"
"Ah! Yes! I mean, with milk this time"
"Ok. Do you wanna eat something?"
"Yeah. A bread with chesse."
I sat near the balcony. For the first time I started looking the place. Was quite nice. There was some pictures of fruits on the wall. And the light was cozy. The song background was calm. I found the perfect place to stay. I'd to thank that guy, if wasn't for him I would never enter here.
"So.. Do you like the place?" He said with a crooked smile.
"Yeah! It's so nice! So are you the owner or..?"
"No. My father is."
"Nice. I always want to have a little place like this. Is cozy"
"You think so? The people think here is too small. I don't know I think like you, you know about small is cozy"
"Absolute!" I drink the juice and he still looking at me.
"Do you want?" I offer to him.
"No thanks... See juice is something I really try to scape" He said again with the crooked smile. And his eyes were so blue. So deep.
"Sorry" I said. "All this time and I didn't said my name. Hi! - I stopped as we were meeting for the first time - I'm Daniel."
"Hey! Hi Danie! I'm Josh!" - Nice! he liked the joke. I think.
©Leonardo Martins
HotKid – Rip It Into Pieces (single) [vídeo, download: mp3]
Inicialmente uma dupla, agora um trio, a banda canadense HotKid costuma
centrar suas composições ao redor das cordas de guitarras – muito por
influência da...
3 days ago
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