I started reading the Princess Diaries books a while ago and I'm lovin' it. It's completly different of the films that Disney made (actually I think they spoiled the film, specially the second one.) If you want to read a great book here's my tip, The princess Diaries.
Recently I watched this wonderful film , Dan in real life, a film that can touch you deep in side. Dan (Steve Carell) it's father of three girls, he's wife died four years ago and he'd never dated again. In this trip to his parent's house he meet Marie (Juliette Binoche) and fell in love with her. The only thing he didn't know was that she is dating his brother Mitch (Dane Cook). If you want to know what happens, go watch it, it's a really nice film. Different of all the ones I've seen this past few months.
I'm tired of everything; nothing seems to care to me anymore, I just wanna lie down, close my eyes and sleep. I can't cry, I have to be strong for you, and this is hurting so much, I fell helpless, worthless. The silence is something we don't know anymore. The word home, we seem to never known, everything we'd seen this far were a lie. And when everything seems lost, and I wanna give up of everything, I see your face, now that is sad and the tears are coming down.
I'd never let you. For nothing and no one in this world.
From a distance the world looks blue and green, and the snow-capped mountains white. From a distance the ocean meets the stream, and the eagle takes to flight.
From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace, it's the voice of every man.
From a distance we all have enough, and no one is in need. And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease, no hungry mouths to feed.
From a distance we are instruments marching in a common band. Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace. They're the songs of every man. God is watching us. God is watching us. God is watching us from a distance.
From a distance you look like my friend, even though we are at war. From a distance I just cannot comprehend what all this fighting is for.
From a distance there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves, it's the heart of every man.
It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves. This is the song of every man. And God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance. Oh, God is watching us, God is watching. God is watching us from a distance.
highligths in the dark. my 2024 favorites
Eita, que dentro desse espaço de tempo conturbado que foi 2024, vivi
perrengues, mas posso chegar aqui, na hora derradeira, dizendo que dei o
que pude, ...
Wednesday's Words On Friday?
That's the title of a blogpost belonging to
*'Drifting though life.' *"Isn't that what many of us tend to do?" I
thought to myself as I saw those words. I...
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If I designed a detailed want to get rid of 1 individual, then alter my
Christmas 2016
Yayyy.. it's Christmas time finally. I'm not a Christian tho, I always
celebrate it with friends and colleagues.
This year, we're planning to gather around...
Playlist do Indi.E. geste
Olá pessoal !!!
Como estamos fora do ar há bastante tempo, pensei em uma forma de
"reavivar" o blog e continuar espalhando música boa para todos os ...
- Tem mulher que não é bonita, mas finge direitinho...
Guto disse enquanto bebericava o chope. Ele tinha por hábito beber pequenos
goles, fazendo assim ...
In the middle of the night I found myself going here to read . Ravn felt
so close to me tonight, I miss him so much it hurts. I've been Reading the
Sei que sou incompleta
Um ser em transformação
A pressa a minha volta
Me deixa sem ar
Me deixa sem chão
Olhos sem olhar
Boca sem sorriso
Discordo do poeta
Saber escuchar es bueno y es gratis
Cuántas veces *realmente* escuchamos cuando nos hablan? Muchos dirán que
siempre lo hacen, pero el escuchar es mucho más que prestar atención a lo
que n...
Sobre mim !
*Apenas uma garota que : compõe músicas , escreve seriado de TV , canta ,
dança , interpreta , escreve um blog , tenta desengatar sua carrei...
Feitiço do tempo
Comprei no sebo um voluminho de contos de Otto Lara Resende (professores
adoram livros de contos, para os quais sempre têm intenções perversas). A
edição, ...
Muito Bem Acompanhada [2]
“Um brinde aos homens que as conquistaram, aos tolos que as perderam e
principalmente aos sortudos que ainda as conhecerão!”
(Do filme *Muito bem acompa...
Returning... Not yet here but returning...
When I see that it's been five months since I have written anything here I
can't believe it... it makes me sad that I haven't even visited my Blog or
the ...
LOST - A Primeira Temporada
Presas em uma misteriosa ilha, 48 pessoas devem permanecer unidas se
quiserem sobreviver. Agora, toda a emoção e os segredos de cada episódio
poderão ser...
Mal dá pra acreditar que tá acabando o hiatus! E nós sobrevivemos a ele...
Alguns spoilers sobre o nosso casal. Não são mtos infelizmente...